Monday, April 2, 2012

tickets to the theatre

So..a couple of months ago, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to Beauty and the Beast onstage at Vancouver's Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Not having a clue this was happening and under his recommendation to dress comfy since we were just going for 'dinner' and a 'movie' (I don't know why I airquoted these things, because we did actually go for dinner, and ended up watching a movie the next day), I dressed down. And then..surplise! Tickets to the theatre! To one of the best Disney movies of my childhood years! Can't wait to see Belle and the Beast dance to 'Tale as Old as Time"!! and then 'Awe shit, I really should've dressed up.'
Because everyone looked like this when I arrived at the theatre:

and like this:
and this:

and this was me:

Okay ladies, so I tried to think 'be confident, you got this.', but even with the bf's support of 'those b*tches just be jealous and cray' (maybe he said something more along the lines of 'well I think you look nice'), I know I still looked like an idiot. I'm all for dressing to the beat of your own drum, but this is the theatres we're talking about!
'You could've at least done without the fishnet stockings b' Oh hayy, thanks boyfriend.

xo, amy.

1 comment:

lauryn said...

LMAO just started reading your blog. love it.